Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Expository Preaching and John MacArthur

"Last Sunday night, to the sound of thunderous ovation, Dr. MacArthur completed the expository preacher’s equivalent of landing on the moon."

I don't always agree with everything that John MacArthur says or believes (i.e. dispensationalism) or how he attacks some issues (i.e. Mark Driscoll) but this week after 43 years of pulpit ministry, Dr. MacArthur has preached through the whole New Testament verse-by-verse.

Expository (verse by verse) preaching has become something of a dying art as most churches and preachers prefer topical sermons (jumping from Scripture to Scripture to support points). I do believe that topical preaching has it's place in speaking from the word of God but for regular systematic preaching I believe expository preaching denies you opportunities to proof text, gives people the whole counsel of God, and disallows skipping the "hard" verses.

To this feat, I say Bravo! And should God give Him another 43 more years I pray he completes the Old Testament.

To view or sample some of Dr. MacArthurs work on the New Testament, pick up one of his commentaries or visit http://www.gty.org/.