Sunday, January 16, 2011


Taken from the Coram Deo Blog:

Philip Ryken offers this helpful analogy to understand God’s sovereignty in salvation and how it interfaces with our responsibility:

The famous American Bible teacher Donald Grey Barnhouse often used an illustration to help people make sense of election. He asked them to imagine a cross like the one on which Jesus died, only so large that it had a door in it. Over the door were these words from Revelation: ‘Whosoever will may come.’ These words represent the free and universal offer of the gospel. By God’s grace, the message of salvation is for everyone. Every man, woman and child who will come to the cross is invited to believe in Jesus Christ and enter eternal life. One the other side of the door a happy surprise awaits the one who believes and enters. For from the inside, anyone glancing back can see these words from Ephesians written above the door: ‘Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.’ Election is best understood in hindsight, for it is only after coming to Christ that one can know whether one has been chosen in Christ. Those who make a decision for Christ find that God made a decision for them in eternity past.

I find this to be an understandable view of election. Some folks may argue who chose who. I think Scripture is pretty clear on how man can do nothing deserving of salvation and by God's grace we can enter into His Kingdom. It seems to me like salvation belongs to God not man. (Rev. 7:10)

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