Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Intelligence: How Much You Know or Who You Know?

For those of you who have been introduced to my son, Xavier, you know how sponge-like and capable his intellect is. He very much reminds me of myself at his age: reading and watching anything, learning from it, memorizing details, encyclopedic like in knowledge. This growing intellect led us to believe that he may very well be advanced for his age. So my wife and I pushed for him to be included in the local school board's gifted student program. After much hoop jumping through and a lot of poor communication from the school, he was “tested” and found not to meet the requirements for this program.

We were disappointed. We know he is smart and gifted and were now concerned that his ever growing boredom in school was going to cause behavior issues. Should we find another school? Should we homeschool?

As I suffered through that disappointment, I thought of how important being recognized for your intelligence was. It is almost certainly at the heart of my pride problems. I spent years thinking and being told about how smart I was and how my good grades and intelligence would make me a well respected and rich man. Oh, how I was disappointed! Intelligence is no measure of a man. My measure of “manhood” is found in how well and how closely I identify with the transforming nature and person of Christ. I pray and hope that I can now teach my son the importance of this knowledge and not all knowledge is what truly makes the difference. I love you son! May you learn to grow and love His Son!

1 comment:

Chuck said...

If you think it will help, I'll start calling you "genius".... or maybe "idiot."
Good article.